From our friend D.C. Douglas who continues to be a thorn in the side to these "tea partiers". Tea Party! America Thanks You! (A DC Douglas Tweak): Actor, voice over artist and Tea Party gadfly, D.C. Douglas, released another video thanking
August 6, 2011

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From our friend D.C. Douglas who continues to be a thorn in the side to these "tea partiers".

Tea Party! America Thanks You! (A DC Douglas Tweak):

Actor, voice over artist and Tea Party gadfly, D.C. Douglas, released another video thanking the Tea Party for its contributions to the debt ceiling debate. Immediately upon it's release, his video took on even greater meaning.

Though this video's release occurred at roughly the same time that Standard & Poor's credit downgrade for the US became official - it was mere coincidence. Twitterverse, however, picked up on the video's sentiment and began forwarding it to friends as way of expressing their less-than-warm-n-fuzzy feelings regarding the Tea Party's hand in the credit downgrade.

Apparently this was not without some merit. In S & P's statement, they write "[T]he downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree more than we envisioned..."

In essence, Congressman John Boehner chose to move into the far right Tea Party's territory rather than into the Republican mainstream. So, in effect, it seems even more fitting that America should Thank the Tea Party!

Dedicated to FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation, Americans For Prosperity, Tea Party Express and National Tea Party Federation!

Written, produced, edited by Lance Kibbe' Baxter

D.C, Douglas:
Film/TV •
Voice Over •
Blog •
Gadfly •
FaceBook •

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