Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi tells us how he really feels about Rush Limbaugh on Hardball. I've never seen Matt pull his punches and he sure as hell doesn't hold back here. He makes some great points about what the future of the Republican party is with women and independent voters if this is the path they want to continue down as well.
Updated: As my fellow C&L'er Max pointed out to me tonight (thank you Max):
Oh he went so easy on him... Taibbi is the (usually) the most ruthless physical caricaturist there is.
He noted Taibbi's post at the HuffPo Erica Jong Thinks I Want to Do My Mother: A Response where Taibbi wrote this in response to Jong's criticism of his remarks about Hillary Clinton.
Like other sexist men, I apparently trained my monomaniacal focus on Hillary's appearance while while ignoring the paunches, liver spots and comb-overs of male politicians.
Jong has apparently never read anything else I've written. Here is a short catalogue of some of the physical descriptions I've used in recent articles about male politicians.
Follow the link above to read the rest. Warning before following the link, some of it may not be safe for work. I get so tired of the undeserved politeness on these shows for Limbaugh and his ilk as Margaret Carlson exemplifies with her remarks following Taibbi's where she says that Rush is more "intellectual than the other talk show hosts". Really Margaret? Intellectual is not the first word that comes to mind when I listen to anything Rush Limbaugh says. Nope. Uh...blowhard and hack, those come to mind. Intellectual...not even on the radar screen for me. And as Andy already noted in the comments, I don't think Limbaugh is beloved by anyone either. Great points Andy.