Stephen Colbert had a bit fun with a very serious topic during his Word segment on the Colbert Report and defended Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his claim that those that disagreed with his on the position of what to do with the children of illegal
September 29, 2011

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Stephen Colbert had a bit fun with a very serious topic during his Word segment on the Colbert Report and defended Texas Gov. Rick Perry for his claim that those that disagreed with his on the position of what to do with the children of illegal immigrants and paying for their education are heartless.

Stephen Colbert Defends Rick Perry After Debate Debacle:

Stephen Colbert has made no secret of his fondness for Rick Perry, so it was only natural that he'd use tonight's Report to go to bat for Perry against critics of the Texas governor's disastrous performance in last week's Republican debate. The arguments Colbert made while doing so, however, were a bit more unorthodox.

I don't think Colbert's remarks are going to be landing him any interviews with the likes of Sheriff Joe Arpaio or his ilk any time soon.

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