This is one subject that Saturday Night Live can never spend too much time mocking IMHO, and that's the several hour long debacle that manages to make even the rest of cable "news" look good by comparison, Fox & Friends. Their cold open began with the group opining over President Obama calling NBA player Jason Collins, who just came out, a hero -- and if you are unfortunate enough to actually watch any of Fox's programming, it's sadly not too far off from the carping from the talking heads on that network.
They then moved onto whether New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg might have any luck with pushing for more gun control regulation and whether everyone in the country is ready to listen to a "northeastern Jewish billionaire" on the topic -- and they had the crew mocking him for his attempted large soda ban.
There's enough material on Fox every day that Saturday Night Live could make an entire hour out of all of their programming and not just mocking Fox & Friends. For that matter, if anyone wanted to devote an entire network to mocking them -- they would never run out of material as well. There are so many things wrong with the crap that network pumps out on a daily basis that the list is endless.
Sadly, that would mean subjecting someone to watching them 24/7 first to come up with the material, and I wouldn't wish that punishment on anyone.