Sen. Al Franken explained why he supports the Senate health care bill.
Franken: From 2000 to 2007 American families saw their premiums almost double. During that same time, we saw more than six million more Americans became uninsured. And during that same time, insurance company profits rose 428 percent--428 percent. That’s all you need to know, that's all you need to know to understand why we have to pass this bill. 482 percent in 8 years. No wonder they’re fighting this bill. Of course they don’t want to be subject to antitrust laws. They’re making outrageous profits by gouging American families. Make no mistake, that’s what this is about.
Franken went on to explain which provisions of the bill would kick in immediately and reform the current system and that he hoped to try to improve the bill through the amendment process. You're going to have a huge uphill battle there Senator.