Looks like someone put some piss and vinegar in Joe Scarborough's coffee this morning because he was literally up in arms at President Obama for not mentioning making changes to Social Security during his State of the Union Address. And he had lots of help fear mongering over the deficit from his fellow Villagers Pat Buchanan, Mark McKinnon, Tom Brokaw, Mark Halperin and his co-host Mika Brzezinski. I love how they are all calling for "shared sacrifice" when the only ones being asked to sacrifice anything are the working class.
Even though Paul Ryan has been calling for cuts to Social Security in his Roadmap for America, Republicans really don't want to own this. Scarborough and his panel all know it and Mark Halperin admits as much. They want the President to be the one to take the political hit and not the Republicans.
As I posted this past Monday, Sen. Bernie Sanders said if the Republicans don't bring this up for a vote in the Senate, he will. I'll be curious to see if he's able to force their hand on this.