Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum was asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer what he thought about Rush Limbaugh's over the top attacks on Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke and here's the bravery we got from Santorum on Rush's vile attack -- He's an "entertainer."
Yeah, because there's nothing more "entertaining" than calling women sluts and prostitutes who want to use contraceptives to control their own reproductive health.
BLITZER: All right, well, let's talk about this other education issue. You know about this Georgetown University law student, this Sandra Fluke. Today the president actually called her and supported her.
She's getting criticized as you know by Rush Limbaugh who has used some outrageous terms, even a spokesman for the speaker, John Boehner, is saying what Rush Limbaugh is saying is totally inappropriate right now. But let me play this little clip because he's -- Rush Limbaugh is suggesting that by supporting government insurance, paid insurance for contraceptives, birth control pills or whatever, Rush Limbaugh is suggesting she's a slut or a prostitute and then he even goes further. Listen to this.
RUSH LIMBAUGH, CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO HOST: So Ms. Fluke and the rest of you femi-nazis (ph) here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it. And I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch.
BLITZER: All right. Go ahead. I want you to respond to Rush Limbaugh.
SANTORUM: Well, he's taking -- you know he's being absurd. But that's, you know an entertainer can be absurd. And he's taken the absurd, you know the absurd, you know sort of point of view here as to how far do you go. And look, he's in a very different business than I am. I'm concerned about the public policy of this president imposing his values on people -- on people of faith who morally object to the government telling them they have to do something which they believe is a grave moral wrong.
And government should not be in the business of telling -- when you talk about separation of church and state, you hear it all the time. Well, the real separation of church and state that our founders believed in was that the state cannot tell people of faith what to do and run over their rights. And that's what this president is doing right now.