h/t Scarce
Contessa Brewer does a good job of taking RNC Chairman wanna' be Chip Saltsman to task when he attempts to blame the controversy over the CD containing the racist song "Barack the Magic Negro" he distributed, on the media.
Brewer: Chip the analysts though say you can't win an election on white votes alone now. It's impossible to do and you sent RNC members a Christmas CD that included the parody, that song Barack the Magic Negro. I mean how in the world could you lead Republicans in appealing to minority voters when you did something that even Newt Gingrich called so inappropriate it should disqualify any Republican National Committee candidate who would do this?
Saltsman: You know I think it highlighted a couple things. One that we're definitely not playing on a level playing ground with the media on that issue. I mean there was no outrage when the L.A. Times article coined that phrase and I don't remember the national media calling David... (crosstalk)
Brewer: You're blaming the media for bringing attention to it?
Saltsman: Contessa I'm asking you. Were you outraged when you read the article in the L.A. Times a year and a half ago? (crosstalk)
Brewer: I'm asking you what you were thinking when you sent that CD out?
Saltsman: It was a parody Christmas gift and I sent it out without even thinking about what was on it. I've been friends with Paul Shanklin for a lot of years and sent out a lot of his stuff over the years. Obviously when you do something like that you don't want to offend a lot of people when you do. That's something you don't want to do um and you know hopefully we'll move on, talk about the future of the party but this is obviously something that wasn't helpful.
Brewer: Can you understand why?
Saltsman: Sure. Oh absolutely Contessa. Absolutely. Absolutely. But I think we've also got to understand as you look at the media's reaction to it there is no level playing ground because this was a, this was a parody based on a newspaper article...(crosstalk).
Brewer: There's not going to be an opportunity to shoot the messenger. It was an offensive CD to send out and people I think are right to be offended by it.
Saltsman: Well.
Brewer: Alright. Thank you.
Saltsman: I think there's some people that, yeah, I understand that.
Brewer: Good luck in your race for the Chairmanship of the RNC. Thank you for your time.
Saltsman. Good. Thank you. Yes ma'am.