April 28, 2010

Ryan Grim points out the hypocritical game the Republicans have been playing on immigration reform with blaming the federal government even though it was the Republicans caving into the right wing of their base that stopped anything from being passed when George Bush was president and Lindsey Graham's recent flip-flopping on the issue.

And as Tamryn Hall and Grim point out, it looks like Texas might be following in Arizona's shoes -- Texas lawmaker to introduce tough immigration bill:

A Republican Texas lawmaker plans to introduce a tough immigration measure similar to the new law in Arizona, a move state Democrats say would be a mistake.

Rep. Debbie Riddle of Tomball said she will push for the law in the January legislative session, according to Wednesday's editions of the San Antonio Express-News and Houston Chronicle.

"The first priority for any elected official is to make sure that the safety and security of Texans is well-established," said Riddle, who introduced a similar measure in 2009 that didn't get out of committee. "If our federal government did their job, then Arizona wouldn't have to take this action, and neither would Texas." Read on...

I guess Texas Republicans don't think Arizona has done a good enough job on their own of making sure the party loses every single minority voter in the country.

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