Steve Benen caught this tidbit from Morning Joe this Tuesday where Tom Brokaw was asking Mitt Romney what he's going to do about the increasing number of people falling out of the middle class and into poverty and the increased number of Americans relying on food stamps.
ROMNEY: Well, I want to make sure we have a safety net to care for those that are poor, but I want to get those who are poor into the middle class.
My ambition is to make sure that we start creating jobs again in this country and that we have rising median incomes, as opposed to the 10% decline we’ve seen in the last four years.
To get people back into work, get higher incomes, and let people have a middle-income life standard they had in the past. That’s the whole effort that I’m involved in.
Somebody who’s fallen from the middle class to poverty, in my opinion is still middle class.
Steve pointed out how fundamentally dishonest what Romney said here is since he's blaming President Obama for falling wages that occurred under the Bush administration and wondered what universe Romney is living in if he actually believes that someone who falls into poverty is still middle class, and he added this:
No wonder Romney thinks he, despite having a quarter-billion in the bank, is part of the middle class — this guy is so far out of touch, he no longer even understands what middle class even means.
That's our Mittens. Just an everyday man of the people don't you know.