Rick Sanchez rips Bill O'Reilly for lying about CNN's coverage of the shooting death at a Little Rock, AK recruiting center. From Rick Sanchez's blog
June 6, 2009

Rick Sanchez rips Bill O'Reilly for lying about CNN's coverage of the shooting death at a Little Rock, AK recruiting center.

From Rick Sanchez's blog, apparently Bill O'Reilly has issued a retraction, if you'd call it that.

Producer’s note: Bill O’Reilly did offer up what he described as a “rare correction” tonight (June 5th).

“I was wrong,” Mr O’Reilly said. “My apologies to CNN. I was talking about primetime, but I did not say that. As they say in third grade, ‘my bad’.”


Bill O'Reilly: So all day long it wasn't news to cover an army recruiter gunned down in Arkansas.

Bill-O can't even tell the truth with his supposed retraction. Maybe Rick will hit him up again Monday for his half assed apology.

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