Looks like our George W. clone, Gov. "Good-Hair Rick Perry, who's thinking about tossing his hat into the 2012 GOP presidential primary doesn't quite have that whole social networking thing down just yet.
TPM has the whole clip if you can stand to sit through it.
Rick Perry Implores Conservatives To Follow Him On ‘Tweeter’ (VIDEO):
Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R), who's been publicly considering a run for the White House in recent days, will probably want to outsource the social media component of his presidential campaign if he does decide to run.
In a video address recorded for attendees at the Right Online conference in Minneapolis this weekend, Perry offered up more of the anti-federal government rhetoric that's made him something of a rockstar among conservatives eager for somebody to shake up their boring presidential field.
He also reminded them "you can always follow me on Tweeter."
Ironically as they noted, Perry was accepting Right Online's award for new media activism when he made this clip, but it didn't seem to faze the audience there.
h/t Scarce