And New Rule, now that Gordon Brown and Nicholas Sarkozy have done what George Bush and Henry Paulson couldn't, maybe it's time conservatives accepted that there's more to Europe than just tassels and accordion music. Sarah Palin recently explained proudly that she wasn't one of those kids to graduate college and their parents get them a passport and a backpack and say go off and travel the world. Oh god no. That's the kind of thing that could open up your mind.
No Sarah stayed right here in America and learned about foreign cultures the proper way. By standing on the shore with a pair of binoculars.
The specter of becoming a little more European doesn't frighten me so much because in the recent crisis it was the wiser, less swaggering leaders of Europe who came through with a financial plan that might actually work. The plan that George Bush is now doing. The plan he didn't want to do because a: if it did work it might threaten his perfect record of monstrous retarded disasters that make Armageddon look like a flesh wound and b: it was socialism.
Which he equates with poor black folks getting cheese for free.... But maybe things have gotten so bad here the public is finally receptive to the notion that we could learn something from other nations.
Here here Bill.