April 29, 2010

Rachel Maddow slams the Republicans for making John Ensign their "ethics point man". Their hypocrisy meter is broken Rachel. They have absolutely no capacity to feel shame.

MADDOW: But, first, “One More Thing” about today‘s Senate hearings on Goldman Sachs. There was sort of an amazing moment that happened toward the beginning of today‘s marathon hearings. See if you can spot the irony in this particular line of questioning being pursued by this particular United States senator.


ENSIGN: Do you think that the incentives that are set up in firms like Goldman Sachs are the proper incentives to have folks engage in ethical behavior?

SPARKS: Senator, I think Goldman Sachs works hard to engage in ethical behavior.

ENSIGN: I didn‘t say that. Do you think that those incentives are there that lead to ethical behavior?


MADDOW: Imagine what it was like in the Republican cloakroom before this hearing. OK, who‘s really going to go after these guys for ethical behavior? Who‘s going to go after these guys on ethics?

John Ensign, you up for it? John Ensign currently under federal and Senate investigations on ethics charges related to shtooping your employee and your former staffer‘s wife - John Ensign, you want to be our ethics point man here? Hey, David Vitter, you want to see if there‘s a way to go after them on hookers?

Can you help us out?

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