Adam Green from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee appeared on the Ed Schultz Show to urge everyone to sign their petition asking President Obama to fight and don't cave on extending the Bush tax cuts. You can sign their petition at their web
November 15, 2010

Adam Green from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee appeared on the Ed Schultz Show to urge everyone to sign their petition asking President Obama to fight and don't cave on extending the Bush tax cuts. You can sign their petition at their web site here:

President Obama: FIGHT, don't cave on Bush tax cuts for millionaires!:


"President Obama, ARE YOU KIDDING? Democrats lost in 2010 because they caved instead of fighting on popular progressive issues. Americans strongly oppose more tax cuts for millionaires and nearly a trillion in new debt. If you don't fight on this issue, Democrats may lose even more seats in 2012 - and possibly even the White House."


CNN reports: "The White House is signaling that it is willing to negotiate on extending the Bush tax cuts, even for the wealthiest Americans..."

Huffington Post reports: "President Barack Obama's top adviser suggested to The Huffington Post late Wednesday that the administration is ready to accept an across-the-board, temporary continuation of steep Bush-era tax cuts, including those for the wealthiest taxpayers."

Sign the petition telling Obama to fight -- not cave -- on this issue.

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