August 23, 2013

I never thought I'd see the day when anyone at Fox suddenly decided they liked the Southern Poverty Law Center, but it looks like hell has officially frozen over, because that's exactly what we were treated to in this segment on Greta Van Susteren's show this Friday evening.

The half-term quitta' from Wasilla joined Greta so she could take another turn at her favorite hobby, attacking President Obama. The excuse for this latest round of "everything that goes wrong in the government is Obama's fault" is the DHS allowing some crazy black nationalist to remain employed for as long as they did before noticing what this guy was doing in his spare time or taking some action.

Palin took to Facebook to bash the President prior to coming on the show, so I guess they thought the audience just couldn't get through the night without hearing such insightful and in depth commentary on the matter like this: Sarah Palin Slams Federal Government For Employing Ayo Kimathi: 'Unflippingbelievable':

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) took to Facebook to slam the federal government for employing Ayo Kimathi, who operates a racist website predicting and advocating a race war, according to a DHS official.

"His fellow employees say they're 'astounded' he is employed by the taxpayers," Palin wrote. "His side 'job' running the 'War On the Horizon' website was reportedly approved by supervisors. Really, Fed? Really?"

"Unflippingbelievable," Palin continued, linking to a Fox News story on Kimathi.

Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, operates "War on the Horizon," a site that includes descriptions of an "unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race." He operates under the alter ego "the Irritated Genie."

I guess that's why Rupert's paying her the big bucks. Or... maybe not. It turns out she took a 75 percent paycut to get her job back at Fox. She's still being overpaid by the tune of about $250,000, IMHO.

Palin and Van Susteren conveniently forgot to mention who this Ayo Kimathi had on his "enemies list" and did not like that was mentioned in the SPLC article linked above:

The enemies’ list on WOH rivals that of President Richard Nixon’s in terms of length. It includes, among others, Rev. Al Sharpton, Lil Wayne, Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, who he calls “Colon,” and even President Obama, “a treasonous mulatto scum dweller … who will fight against reparations for Black people in amerikkka, but in favor of fag rights for freaks in amerikkka and Afrika.”

I don't know why this man is employed anywhere since it sounds like he belongs in a mental institution, much less the DHS, but you had to know that Fox was going to use this as just another excuse to get their hate on for President Obama.

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