Ed Schultz goes after "Psycho Talker" Orrin Hatch for this statement he made on the Fox Business Channel with a little mashup of what we can thank Republicans for when they ruled the roost under George Bush. From Think Progress--Sen. Hatch’s Solution For The Economy: Put The Country ‘Back Into Conservative Republican Hands’:
Towards the end of the interview, Glick asked him what his “solutions” are to the problems the country faces, prompting Hatch to respond that he’d start by putting the country “back into conservative Republican hands” and keeping the Bush tax cuts:
FOXBIZ: What are your solutions to jobs, the unemployment situation, rising health care costs, energy costs that are rising, inflation that is still a concern, how do we solve these issues right now? Are we trying to do too much too quickly?
HATCH: Number one you get the arrogance of power by throwing the Democrats and get the control back into conservative Republican hands. Number two we should not do away with the Bush tax cuts, those marginal tax cuts are a major help to try and keep the economy going. Number three we should use fifty state labratories to do health care.
Susie smacked Hatch around for saying something similar on the Senate floor last week--Sen. Orrin Hatch: If Only The GOP Had 60 Votes, We Could Fix The Country.