Bill O'Reilly goes on a rampage against the ACLU and calls them the "most dangerous, anti-American organization in the country". Why? Because they sup
May 25, 2009

Bill O'Reilly goes on a rampage against the ACLU and calls them the "most dangerous, anti-American organization in the country". Why? Because they support the release of the prison abuse photos and their complaint against the NYPD for racial profiling.

I swear watching this man makes my head hurt. First of all, I've watched the ACLU's Anthony Romero go on more than one show and say that the public being able to see those photos is not what matters to him. What matters to him is that there is some accountability for what's been done, and for those who ordered the torture, and to be able to prove that it was not just a few bad apples but systemic abuse that took place because it was the policy of our government to torture prisoners.

How O'Reilly makes the connection between that and the ACLU suing the NYPD for racial profiling is beyond me other than him finding any excuse to bash the ACLU and "left wing loons". Of course following this segment he brings on the hapless Marc Lamont who attempts to call out O'Reilly for saying it's alright for the police to target blacks and Latinos on the street when they've done nothing wrong but he's no match for O'Reilly's bullying and talking over him.

What's particularly disturbing here is O'Reilly's call for his viewers to "confront" the ACLU, the media, and anyone who supports the ACLU. Just what type of confrontation is O'Reilly calling for? O'Reilly seems to be continuing Fox News' shameless habit of not caring how much they rial up the fringe elements in our society and possibly incite some of the crazy ones out there to violence.

O'Reilly: Hating America. That is the subject of tonight's Talking Points Memo. No way, no way am I going to quiet down about the far left wanting to release military pictures of prisoner abuse. Those photos were taken in the course of criminal investigations, probes, that put some American military people in prison. But now anti-American loons want to see those pictures, knowing they would embarrass America and put our military in the field in even more danger.

President Obama is fighting the release of the pictures but he needs to classify them. He is the Commander in Chief. It's his job to protect all Americans including the military. Now last night we told you that the New York Times and other committed left media want the pictures out so they can blame them on President Bush and the Republican party.

It is a pure political play. But the ACLU is a different story. That vile organization believes the USA is a bad place. Desperately in need of an overhaul. The ACLU sympathizes with the New York Times but takes the situation much farther. If you don't believe me consider what's happening right here in New York City.

Once riddled with violent crime New York is not largely safe thanks to aggressive policing instituted by Bill Bradley and Rudy Giuliani. Thousands of lives have been saved because the cops here are proactive. They try to stop crime before it happens by keeping close tabs on the bad guys.

From the jump the ACLU opposed that insisting the police are only being reactive, responding after the damage was done. Recently the New York chapter of the ACLU filed a complaint against the police charging they were stopping black people more than white people for questioning. The ACLU says that's biased, their usual charge.

But, but a study by the RAND Corporation shows 69% of New York City violent crime victims describe their assailants as black. 5% are described by the victims as white. So if you're investigating and trying to stop crimes to whom would you be talking?

But the ACLU doesn't care about that. They believe society causes some blacks to be violent. America's basic unfairness manufactures criminals. It's the country's fault, not the perpetrators fault. Now I write about all of this anti-American mind set in Culture Warrior. But now the issue is becoming one of life and death.

Just about every military expert in the country believes and exposition of prisoner abuse will result in dead soldiers. And most criminal justice experts say if you cut back on proactive policing, more Americans will die in the streets.

I believe the ACLU is the most dangerous, anti-American organization in the country. And if clear thinking Americans do not confront this group, and their members, and their support system in the media..people will die. And that's the memo.

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