Site contributors Bluegal and Driftglass are not the only ones out there doing some really great podcasts every week. Our own Nicole Belle has bee
August 3, 2010


Site contributors Bluegal and Driftglass are not the only ones out there doing some really great podcasts every week. Our own Nicole Belle has been a regular guest on the Nicole Sandler show on Mondays for a little while now and I wanted to share the latest edition of the Nicole and Nicole show with our readers who I'm sure have been following her writing here for years. She may not have gotten that CNN gig yet, but she did a fine job recapping the Sunday bobble head shows with Nicole Sandler this week instead.

Nicole Sandler lost her gig at Air America when they went under. Hopefully she manages to get back on the air with some wider syndication than she has now in the near future. You can occasionally catch her filling in for Randi Rhodes.

You can listen to the entire show from this Monday at Nicole Sandler's blog:

And we wrapped up the show with Nicole Belle of Crooks & Liars, who visits almost every Monday with a look back at the Sunday talking head shows in a segment we may call “Fools on the Hill”…

In addition to our regular talking smack session about who was on and what they said, we took a couple of minutes at the end of the show to talk about what’s really being proposed, but described as a “Mosque at Ground Zero” (it really isn’t). Nicole wrote a great piece about it that you can read at Crooks & Liars, “On Tolerance and Healing.

You can listen to our own Nicole's segment if you don't want to wade through the entire podcast to find it in the audio link above. Hopefully we'll have some more of Nicole's show to share with everyone not just on Mondays with Nicole Belle's Sunday show wrap ups but with our own John Amato and Dave Neiwert as well talking about their new book Over the Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane.

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