May 15, 2010

Some of Bill Maher's funnier lines from his New Rules segment tonight.

New Rule: Don't ask me to believe that the hippest President we've ever had doesn't know how to use an iPod.

...But what's with the fuddy-duddy act. If we wanted Luddite block heads who didn't understand gizmos and doohickeys we'd have voted for the ghost and Mrs. Moron.

I know I'm being a little nit-picky but how exactly does President Sanford and Son think he got elected? By CB radio? No, it was through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter and

The entire campaign was based on the Internet. But you know in America politicians, they do that because they know Americans conflate out of touch with adorable.

...John McCain thinks an iPad is something women wear on their X-Boxes once a month.

...You know there's a specific group of Americans out there who's name I won't mention but it begins with T and ends with baggers. And they have a habit of saying I want my country back. Well I want my country forward.

Lots of arguing about religion on tonight's show since he brought on fake atheist S.E. Cupp and asked her about her book claiming that the "liberal" media has an anti-Christian bias that Cenk ripped her up for. Bill smelled a rat just like a lot of the commenters here and felt that there's no way in hell that she could write something claiming that Christians are persecuted by the press if she's actually an atheist. He wanted to know if her next book was going to be about her conversion to Christianity.

I could have done with a whole lot less of the arguing about religion and a lot more of what they talked about in the Overtime segment on line which really was the best part of the show. I finally got to hear someone tell John Avlon that his book Wingnuts is full of crap and false equivalencies and even if you don't like Keith Olbermann and think he's obnoxious there's no way in hell you should be comparing him to Glenn Beck. Good for Bill Maher.

You can watch the Overtime segment on Real Time's site here when the site updates with the video.

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