After wingnut Rep. Allen West went after his fellow Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, naturally we could count on someone like Michelle Malkin and her buddy Sean Hannity to defend West and attack Wasserman Schultz.
Heaven forbid the Congresswoman called out West for his ridiculous phoney "cut, cap and balance" bill and the cuts it would contain for their constituents in Florida.
It's hard to say what's more disgusting or more disturbing about this interview to put it mildly; West's attacks on Wasserman Schultz or the likes of these two defending the indefensible and the showboating by the House GOP freshman on raising our debt ceiling.
They look like they're all too willing to take us into default for political purposes and potentially send the entire world into a depression and these two asshats are defending them for their actions and cheering them on all the way. I'd love to know if either of these two are shorting the bond markets along with their buddy Eric Cantor.
Media Matters decided to just feature this portion of the interview -- Michelle Malkin: Wasserman-Schultz Is Nothing More Than "Alan Grayson In Heels ... Anthony Weiner, Only An Octave Higher".
Way to keep it classy Malkin and to continue playing the token minority that loves to give Fox permission for their open racism or sexism on the air week after week, because how could they possibly be either as long as someone like you continues to come the air defending them?
I just hope you and your buddy Hannity are happy with yourselves if we end up having no middle class and nothing but rich and poor in America for both of your parts in selling out your fellow Americans and being willing to lie to them to get them to vote against their own economic interests so you can collect your big paycheck from Uncle Rupert.