McCain repeats Bart Stupak's lie on Greta Van Susteren's show that the Senate bill will allow for federal funding of abortions even though that talking point has been debunked by ABC News and their "truth squad".
From Media Matters:
For more on why McCain and Stupak are wrong, from Slate: Why Stupak Is Wrong:
A central puzzle of the health reform debate is why Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., keeps saying that the Senate-passed bill allows taxpayer dollars to be spent on abortions. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says it, too. This dispute concerns (or at least pretends to concern) matters of fact, not belief. The question of whether the government funds a given medical procedure is not like the question of whether human life begins at conception. It's empirical, not ideological. And Stupak happens to be wrong. Read on...
h/t jwh22 at Daily KOS who has an action update with contact info for several of the networks SAT. ACTION UPDATE -- ABC News ACTUALLY DID THEIR JOB!.