Who needs Fox when you've got CBS doing double duty for them with interviews like this one with Sen. John McCain on Face the Nation? The Republicans have been foaming at the mouth since the embassy attack over a month and a half ago in Libya and now we can add McCain's name to the long list of Republicans who have compared "Benghazi-Gate" to Watergate or called for impeaching President Obama for how the matter has been handled.
I'm sure there are others I missed, but here's at least a partial list of those who have been making the same hyperbolic attacks:
Rush Limbaugh: RUSH: Benghazi cover-up "This dwarfs Watergate'
Ron Christie: Worse than Watergate??!! WTF
Sean Hannity and Donald Rumsfeld: Hannity Trots Out Donald Rumsfeld To Help Turn Benghazi Into Watergate
Newt Gingrich: Gingrich: Libya Cover-up Worse Than Watergate
Mike Huckabee: Huckabee Suggests Impeaching Obama Over Libya Embassy Attack
Col. David Hunt: Col. David Hunt Tells Jerry Doyle: Benghazi Coverup Worse Than Watergate
And Rep. Marsha Blackburn: Marsha Blackburn Calls 'Benghazi-Gate' 'Worse Than Watergate'
They've all got their talking points aligned perfectly, don't they? And last but not least, here's Grampy McCain from this Sunday: McCain: Libya either a "cover up" or "incompetence":
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., argued this morning that Libya has made foreign policy a major part of the presidential campaign and that President Obama has shown "the worst kind of incompetence" on the issue.
"I don't know if it's either a cover-up or the worst kind of incompetence, which doesn't qualify the president as commander in chief," McCain said on "Face the Nation" today. He called the administration's handling of the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Libya that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, a "debacle" that has "exposed the failures of the Obama foreign policy."
McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has been one of the most vocal critics of the Obama administration on the Libya issue.
McCain said the "worst" aspects of the Libya aftermath are the "gross, gross, outrageous statements" made by administration officials, including the president, in the days after the attack. He specifically referred to statements by U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice made shortly after the attacks in which she blamed the violence on a "spontaneous" demonstration over an anti-Muslim American made film.
"We now know there was no demonstration. There was no mob," McCain said, referring to surveillance records he received from inside the consulate. "So for literally days and days, they told the American people something that had no basis in fact whatsoever," McCain added.
McCain also compared Libya to Watergate saying, "Nobody died in Watergate. But this is either a massive cover-up or incompetence that is not acceptable service to the American people," he said. "The American people may take that into consideration a week from Tuesday."
"What did the president know? When did he know it? And what did he do about it?" McCain asked rhetorically.