It seems Grandpa McGrumpy wasn't too happy about his buddy Willard getting zinged by President Obama during the final presidential debate this Monday and let the audience know during his appearance this Tuesday on Morning Joe. McCain: Obama’s
October 23, 2012

It seems Grandpa McGrumpy wasn't too happy about his buddy Willard getting zinged by President Obama during the final presidential debate this Monday and let the audience know during his appearance this Tuesday on Morning Joe.

McCain: Obama’s ‘Bayonets And Horses’ Remark A ‘Cheap Shot’ And I ‘Resent It’:

Appearing on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) praised Mitt Romney's performance in the final debate and criticized President Obama for mocking the GOP candidate's approach to the defense budget.

"Frankly, I don't understand why the president wants to take these kind of cheap shots -- bayonets and horses, what's that all about?" he said. "You know, when I debated then-Senator Obama I didn't criticize or belittle his lack of experience on national security issues. And he seemed to take these kind of cheap shots. ... I kind of resent it."

"I think you should treat your opponent with some respect. ... It was small ball."

This coming from the same man who inflicted Sarah Palin on the rest of the nation and allowed her to be running around the country during the presidential campaign accusing then Sen. Obama of "paling around with terrorists." And from the same man who called Obama a celebrity and compared him to Paris Hilton. Small ball, huh? Well, you'd know all about that, now wouldn't you?

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