After formerly comparing the drummed up "Benghazi-gate" to Watergate, and demanding that Ambassador Susan Rice go on television and apologize for her remarks, it seems John McCain is finally getting tired of making a fool of himself and is backing off of his criticism of Rice a bit.
Of course that doesn't mean he's done criticizing the administration or that he's just going to let this thing drop -- McCain: Obama’s The Problem, Not Ambassador Rice:
Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) said that the problem with the administration's response to the Benghazi attacks has more to do with President Obama than with UN Ambassador Susan Rice, during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday," even though congressional Republicans, including McCain, have gone after Rice in recent weeks.
McCain, who has said he would not vote for Rice if she is nominated to succeed Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, declined to reiterate that promise Sunday.
"Sure," McCain said to the question of whether Rice could do anything to change his mind about her. "She can give everyone the benefit of explaining their position and the actions that they took. I'll be glad to have the opportunity to discuss these issues with her."
Responding to a follow-up question on whether that means McCain is now open to voting for Rice if nominated, McCain replied: "I think she deserves the ability and the opportunity to explain herself and her position, just as she said. But she's not the problem. The problem is the president of the United States who in a debate with Mitt Romney said that he had said it was a terrorist attack…"
McCain was also asked about Rep. Jim Clyburn's remarks that McCain was using "racial code words" while attacking Rice. McCain shrugged the criticism off as something that just "goes with the territory" if your opponent can't win a political argument. Of course he wasn't going to get an ounce of push back on that from Chris Wallace.