Chris Matthews takes Darrell Issa to task on Hardball for using the term "Democrat Party".
Matthews: Well, I think the Democratic Party calls itself the Democratic Party, not the Democrat Party. Do we have to do this every night? Why do people talk like this? Is this just fighting words to get the name wrong?
Issa: This isn't intended to be fighting words.
Matthews: They call themselves the Democratic Party. Let's just call people what they call themselves and stop the uh, the Mickey Mouse here. Save that for the stump-seriously.
Issa: Chris, Chris.
Matthews: Now let's get to the issue here, seriously we've got a fiscal challenge. I want to go back to Congressman Frank and to some English here. Congressman Frank are you worried about the size of these WWII numbers here? Again, 1.75 trillion deficit this year. A spending level of almost 4 trillion. We're almost running deficits as big as the revenue number we're bringing in.
Frank: Well Chris let me first of all come to the defense of my colleague Mr. Issa and the Republicanistical Party that he represents, um and say that ah...
Issa: Thanks Barney.
Frank: You're welcome there Darrell. The point is this. For him to say oh these are the Democrat's deficits. I have never seen people disavow their own handiwork so quickly. And I knew that born again was an important strain, in in our society but born again deficit haters, it's a new version.
While this is pretty well a slap on the wrist for this sort of childish behavior we've come to expect out of the Republicans it's nice to see them get called out for it once in a while. Democrats need to do what Matthews did here to Republicans every time they pull this and maybe they'd finally stop after they got tired of getting egg on their face. You can watch the full segment with Issa and Franks talking about the budget here.