In yet another round of the "both sides" are equally terrible game, former George W. Bush chief campaign strategist Matthew Dowd made this ridiculous statement during part of the panel discussion on ABC's This Week With George Stephanopoulos where they were discussing the GSA and Secret Service scandals that erupted this week:
DOWD: Well, to me -- to me, both political parties -- for the last 20 years, both political parties -- the only difference between both political parties today is one says cut taxes and grow government, the other one says increase taxes and grow government. Both of them are saying -- both of them are growing government.
Whatever the pace happens to be during -- I worked for President Bush -- during President Bush's presidency, the level of government grew, though we didn't fund as well as it should have been, because taxes were cut, and that I think is one of the problems that we have is nobody -- or very few people are willing to tell the American public that we have to do two things here.
And if we're going to restore faith and trust in government -- and it's -- one of the faults I have with President Obama, who I greatly respect, is that he came into office, and one of the major things we had is people did not have faith and trust that the government could effectively, efficiently do their job. And what he did immediately was grow the size of government without ensuring that it was going to do its job effectively.
This coming from the man who made these admissions back in 2007 -- Key Bush Insider Speaks Out, Calls for Iraq Withdrawal:
The chief campaign strategist for President Bush’s re-election has broken with the President on a series of issues including the war in Iraq. In an interview with the New York Times, Matthew Dowd called for a US withdrawal from Iraq. Dowd said: "If the American public says they’re done with something, our leaders have to understand what they want. They’re saying, 'Get out of Iraq.'" Dowd said he began having doubts on Iraq even as he was orchestrating the President’s election race against former Democratic presidential candidate Senator John Kerry. Dowd said he later wrote but never submitted an op-ed entitled "Kerry Was Right" after Kerry called for an Iraq withdrawal. Dowd said his change of heart was sparked in part by Bush’s refusal to meet the peace activist Cindy Sheehan at his Crawford estate in the summer of 2005. He also cited the expected deployment of his own son to Iraq. Dowd also criticized the President’s re-nomination of former UN ambassador John Bolton after his rejected confirmation. And he said he was shocked when the President did not immediately fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld following the Abu Ghraib torture scandal. On Sunday, White House counselor Dan Bartlett responded by saying Dowd’s comments should be evaluated in light of his "personal turmoil."
He did admit that they didn't fund the government properly because of the Bush tax cuts, but then he spins right around and attacks President Obama for the deficit spending that was necessary to try to get out of the recession that his former boss caused, where the economy was falling off a cliff as he left office.