[oldembed src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2CF64vNWZwA" width="425" height="349" resize="1" fid="21"]
As John wrote about the other day, ex-tea party leader Mark Williams was encouraging people to sign up to participate in the upcoming SEIU rallies and then try to get on camera wearing SEIU t-shirts holding signs that said things like “screw the taxpayer!” and “you OWE me!” Thom Hartmann spoke to Williams and he freely admitted to posting the material on line and the conversation just went downhill from there. It's really hard to argue with this much stupidity and downright meanness, but Hartmann gave it his best shot.
Williams criticized the public sector unions as just sucking off of the poor tax payers and undeserving of their pensions and benefits and called their pay an "entitlement" when Hartmann asked him if he didn't think they worked for a living. And he refused to recognize the fact that it wasn't the workers but the banks and Wall Street that ruined their pensions. Williams also tried to claim that the SEIU members were going to hold up signs such as he suggested on his site on their own. His basis for this -- they were already posting statements like that on his blog in the comments section. Man, what a rotten liar.
These idiots like Williams just hate working people. And as Thom said to him, he's just out there looking to make a buck hoping he'll be rewarded from the likes of the Koch brothers in return for his efforts. Selfish and greedy and trying to pit working people against each other to enrich themselves -- that's the MO of Williams and others like him heading up these astroturf "tea parties." This guy was so rotten he got himself ousted a while back. Looks like he's desperate to make his way back in to the good graces of the "tea party" with this stunt. That or he just can't stand to be out of the limelight, because after all, everything is about "me" with these people.