Lou Dobbs and Isabel MacDonald squared off on Lawrence O'Donnell's new show on MSNBC, The Last Word to debate MacDonald's recent article at The Nation which has sparked controversy over whether Dobbs hired illegal immigrants. Dobbs of course characterized the article as a "hit piece" by a "leftist organization" that's just wanting to raise money from the story.
October 7, 2010

Lou Dobbs and Isabel MacDonald squared off on Lawrence O'Donnell's new show on MSNBC, The Last Word to debate MacDonald's recent article at The Nation which has sparked controversy over whether Dobbs hired illegal immigrants. Dobbs of course characterized the article as a "hit piece" by a "leftist organization" that's just wanting to raise money from the story. Dobbs said he never “directly, knowingly employed any undocumented worker”. As MacDonald and O'Donnell pointed out, Dobbs' problem is not a legal one but a problem with the hypocrisy of him going on the air night after night on CNN and railing about illegal immigration when people like him are a source for their employment, directly or indirectly.

Dobbs defended himself saying he's softened his stance and is trying to help look for solutions to the problem. As MacDonald reminded him, when there was legislation being drafted to try to find a compromise to the problem of illegal immigration, it was shows like Dobbs' that helped to derail it. So nice of him to change his stance after he got knocked off the air on CNN.

This was an extremely long interview. You can watch part 2 below the fold.

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