From Fox News Sunday April 19, 2009. After being shown a group of highly edited clips of President Obama talking about, as Chris Wallace puts it, "apo
April 20, 2009

From Fox News Sunday April 19, 2009. After being shown a group of highly edited clips of President Obama talking about, as Chris Wallace puts it, "apologizing" for previous Presidents, he asks if reaching out to other countries is constructive or just "pandering".

Graham: Well I tell you the fruits of this effort will determine how successful that it is. It doesn't set well with me but he is now my President. The key is can he rally the world to stop the Iranians from producing nuclear weapons? Can he rally the world to do something about the North Korean missile program that is moving forward? Can he rally the world to impose sanctions on North Korea after they kick out the weapons inspectors?

If talking poorly about the past and the United States can do that..uh..good. I don't believe it will. We're looking now for action, not just rhetoric, not political rhetoric. He has a chance and an opportunity and a requirement to do something about Iran and North Korea by getting the world involved, China and Russia particularly. We'll see if he's able to do, to perform that task. That is his job now.

How'd that "action" work out from your buddy G.W. Bush, Senator? Just what type of "action" are you talking about now? We don't need any more cowboy diplomacy from our President. Senator McCaskill points out that the U.S. has been arrogant and she's right. Heaven forbid it offends poor Lindsey Graham's sensibilities. Although he really didn't look like his heart was in it today. Usually he's so animated he looks like he's ready to jump out of his chair. Maybe repeating all those talking points day in and day out is finally starting to wear on him.

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