From TPM -- Gillibrand: Romney’s ‘Hero’ Scott Walker Got Rid Of Equal Pay For Women Laws: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) chimed in Sunday on the battle for female voters, making an impassioned case that President Obama’s policies are far
April 15, 2012

From TPM -- Gillibrand: Romney’s ‘Hero’ Scott Walker Got Rid Of Equal Pay For Women Laws:

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) chimed in Sunday on the battle for female voters, making an impassioned case that President Obama’s policies are far better for women than those of presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

“It’s Barack Obama whose first bill he ever signed was the Lilly Ledbetter fair pay act,” she said on NBC’s Meet The Press. “Mitt Romney? His hero is a governor from Wisconsin who just got rid of the equal pay laws there.”

She added Obama has worked to increase economic opportunity for women by focusing on education, pell grants and broading access to health care.

If Mitt Romney really wants to disassociate himself from his fellow Republicans like Walker, I think he's going to have to answer with something stronger than "I would not repeal" the fair pay act. The truth of the matter is, Republicans would never have passed it because they don't care about the gender gap in wages.

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