April 30, 2010

Larry King decides to do a bit of turd polishing for Alberto Gonzales and has him weigh in on Arizona's new "show me your papers" law. I'd like to know why King thought it was a better idea to bring Gonzo on to talk about this instead of his actions as Attorney General.

We've done a great deal of reporting on Gonzo which you can check out here. The list is absolutely too long to rehash with what he did to the Department of Justice, the Attorney General's scandal and with his defense of torture. As Jon Perr noted, Gonzo has taken to playing the victim card of late -- Alberto Gonzales: Bush DOJ Was Not Political Enough:

For most people, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is a national embarrassment, a pimple on the ass of American history. But to hear him tell it, the man George W. Bush called "Fredo" is a victim of partisan warfare. And the lesson he apparently learned in Washington is not that he politicized the Bush Justice Department, but that he didn't politicize it enough.

Those are among the head-shaking takeaways in a brief but revealing interview in Esquire titled, "Alberto Gonzales: What I've Learned." The man who repeatedly lied to Congress about the U.S. prosecutors purge, President Bush's illegal program of domestic surveillance and regime of detainee torture was just an innocent bystander caught in the political crossfire.

...But as he acknowledged to Esquire this week, Gonzales' real lament about the U.S. attorneys firings is that the Bush White House wasn't political enough. After the Republican losses in the 2006 midterm elections, Gonzales suggested, the Bush administration's error was that it simply couldn't get away it.

Now Larry King thinks he should be a political commentator. This is what happens when administrations decide to let the crimes of the previous administration go unpunished. They wind up with their ass on TV being a political commentator instead of in jail. Of course in the case of ClusterFox they can be convicted and still get air time. Sadly even if in some fantasy world Alberto Gonzales were ever put on trial and convicted, he'd likely end up like North and never serve any jail time.

CNN, the network that has been trying to paint itself as centrist and non-political seems to have more than its fair share of Bushies on their network. Whether it be Fran Townsend, Michael Chertoff, David Frum Torie Clark or Ed Gillespie among others, they're more than willing to give these mouth pieces from the failed Bush administration credibility at every turn.

And speaking of cases that nothing's been done about since the Obama DOJ took charge, I'd also love to know why the Obama administration hasn't done anything to rectify the Don Seigelman case.

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