December 17, 2008

Despite the fact that he completely contradicted himself from his statements last week, Karl Rove had the nerve go to on Hannity & Colmes and chastise the President-elect Obama for how he and his team are handling their response to the Fitzgerald investigation of Rod Blagojevich.

When Rove decides to explain his role in the outing of Valerie Plame, or his role in the prosecution of Don Siegelman (for which he has failed to appear before Congress despite a subpoena), then maybe anyone should care about his opinions and his regard for the rule of law. At least it earned him a spot on Keith Olbermann's Worst Person list.

Rove and the rest of the Villagers that cannot wait to see how all of this plays out. They're all too happy to pass judgment before they know what's going on with the Blagojevich scandal; perhaps they should just shut their yaps in the meantime.

If there were actually any respect for the rule of law left in this country, Rove would be sitting in a jail cell in the basement of the Congress if nowhere else instead of being allowed to spew propoganda on Fox News.

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