John McCain on Fox News Sunday is asked about the closing of Gitmo, and apparently John is for it but yet he's against it. He thinks we should close Gitmo, but only after finding another kangaroo court to replace the one we have now.
He also feels we have to find somewhere to put all of those prisoners who aren't from the United States, which Joe Biden pretty well debunked today, noting that there was only ONE of them which would fit that category. McCain also apparently thinks that Obama closing Gitmo equates to just freeing prisoners without any trials. I don't think anyone is asking for that, John.
Chris Wallace frames the following question on torture as to whether anyone at a lower level should be prosecuted as opposed to anyone in the Bush administration who ordered the torture. McCain follows right along with Wallace in his answer and only talks about those at the lower level in the CIA who followed the orders and not those they were taking orders from, and says we need to "move on". As someone who was himself tortured, this is pretty pathetic. I've got to wonder if he'd be as charitable if he ever met the person who ordered his torture.