Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, the great Senator from the state of Alabama did his best to diminish the fact that the Senate just passed the Democratic tax plan to extend the Bush tax cuts for all income under $250,000, which all of the Republicans just voted against during this interview on Fox over the weekend.
Passing tax cuts for the 99 percent, well that's just playing games and a political statement in Sessions' world. Unlike the very serious Republicans who are determined to hang on to those Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest among us. God knows they can't go raisin' taxes on those "job creators." The world would come to an end if we asked millionaires to pay a few more percentage points in taxes don't ya' know.
Sessions also managed to completely ignore the fact that Republicans were the ones holding the economy hostage the last time we had the threat of a government shutdown. He even went so far as to pretend that Democrats believe there's some sort of political benefit to that sort of gamesmanship. I'm not sure where he got that idea, because the fact that Congress allowed our credit rating to be lowered the last time Republicans pulled this stunt is one of the reasons that Congress' approval ratings are at an all time low right now.
Sessions seemed to be suffering from the same memory lapse as his fellow Sen. Kelly Ayotte, who tried blaming the cuts to military spending as part of the sequestration plan, when Republicans are the ones who insisted we make the defense cuts rather than raise taxes.
Sessions followed that by pretending that spending on food stamps is not stimulative to the economy (which is utterly false) and attacking those who are dependent on our social safety nets during this horrible economy that his party is primarily responsible for creating. It's kind of tough pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps when there are no jobs to be found, or very few due to the fact that the economy has not recovered and the fact that Republicans have been doing everything within their power to make sure it stays that way.
Naturally there was no mention by the Fox host Uma Pemmaraju about Republican governors laying off government workers so they can give their corporate campaign donors tax cuts, or the fact that the Republicans have blocked almost every bit of stimulus or the jobs bills that the Democrats have tried to get passed. Heaven forbid facts are ever allowed to get in the way of a Republican's talking points on Fox.