November 4, 2008

From The Cafferty File:

The prescription for tomorrow is comfortable shoes and patience. It’s going to be awesome.

Never in recent memory has there been so much interest in a presidential election. More than one-third of Americans are expected to have already voted by the time the polls open tomorrow, a 50 percent increase from 2004. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be a lot of people in front of you in front of you in line when you get to the polls.

Young people have signed up in unprecedented numbers. New voter registrations have broken records in almost every state. Turnout in many of the primaries was staggering. So be prepared.

Be aware also that tomorrow is a chance for all of us to strike a blow for democracy, and God knows she could use a shot in the arm. We’re at our best as a nation when we’re all involved. But that involvement tomorrow will come with a price. You’re probably going to have to wait. Maybe for a long time.

While you’re standing there grumbling that the line isn’t moving, or the machine is broken, remember what it was that got you into that line in the first place. This may well be the most important election we’ve ever had.

Here’s my question to you: How long are you willing to wait in line to vote?

Michelle from New Hampshire writes:I am prepared and willing to wait all day. I have cleared my calendar to make sure I can spend the whole day. And the time I don’t spend waiting or voting, I will spend poll watching and holding signs. This is far too important not to make a personal sacrifice to make sure my vote counts. And, as an Army wife, one day of work loss is meaningless compared to the days my husband has and will spend on deployment. To all within the sound of your voice: Get out and vote!

LaShunda from Mobile, Alabama writes:I am seven months pregnant and standing for long periods of time hurts my back tremendously, but in spite of my pain I plan on standing in line as long as it takes to exercise my right to vote, especially when those before me endured even greater hardships to have this right.

Bill from San Diego, California writes:I appreciate the question, but if anyone honestly thinks that the wait is not worth it even if it’s all day, think about all of the people in places who can’t vote. Think about the people who have fought for voting rights. Remember that blacks and women were not allowed to vote not that long ago.

Patrick writes:Not longer than about thirty hours.

Dawn from Florida writes:My husband and I waited 2 1/2 hours here in Miami to vote early. About 1 hour into the wait, my husband started getting antsy and wanted me to remind him why we were wasting our time. I just looked at him and said “George W. Bush”. That did the trick!

Kim writes:All day if I have to, but I’ll have my 3- and 4-year-olds with me. They may think differently. What a great opportunity to live by example. Never give up.

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