Lawrence O’Donnell asks Howard Dean what he thinks about the Republicans latest fiasco where they threw their own donors under the bus.
Dean: I’m stunned. I just can’t that this party is so open about how contemptuous it is for the very people they work for ultimately which is the American people.
But the small donors… this is why there’s a Tea Party and this is why the Republicans can’t rely on the Tea Party movement, because they know the Republicans, they may not like the Democrats, but the Republicans don’t like them. So what they’re really angry about is just they’re tired of being treated like dirt by the people in power and that is not confined to the Democrats—the Republicans are doing exactly the same thing and this sort of shows that they don’t view the Tea Party as their allies. They view the Tea Party as a problem, as dopes and all the kinds of things the Tea Party people say “Oh the Democrats and the elite”. Well guess what? This shows that the Republicans also are elitists, and they don’t have, we have no corner on the market of being elitist and I think the Tea Party is going to eat them for lunch for this.
Well Howard, the Democratic Party might not be this openly contemptuous of its progressive wing, but they don't always treat us much better. They just haven't been stupid enough to put it in writing.