The kabuki theater from House Republican freshman on raising the debt limit continues -- GOP congressmen show up at White House, want plan:
While President Obama and Congressional GOP leaders continue to negotiate a debt ceiling deal behind the scenes, several House Republican freshmen are growing impatient.
Nearly 20 of them ventured to the gates of the White House Tuesday with a letter in hand to the president demanding the he immediately deliver Congress a written proposal to raise the debt ceiling.
“Given the significance of our debt-driven crisis and the historic importance of the negotiations, we believe it is imperative that the work towards any agreement be as transparent as possible so that American people have a chance for careful evaluation of the process free from political posturing,” the members wrote in the letter.
Rep. Tom Reed, who led the freshman lawmakers to the White House, told reporters the group doesn’t care if opposing a debt ceiling increase harms their reelection chances.
“We don’t care about reelection,” he said. “We felt it was incumbent to come to the White House because this is a critical issue.”
Members of the group added they will not agree to any debt ceiling proposal unless there are detailed spending cuts and timelines involved.
Apparently they don't think their leader John Boehner is capable of negotiating for them if they're pulling stunts like this.