It appears that Fox's Liz Trotta is terribly upset that PBS decided to give Democracy Now's Amy Goodman a little face time on the Charlie Rose Show earlier this week. She spent the better part of her weekly commentary time with Fox's Uma Pemmaraju this Saturday being completely dismissive of Goodman and Democracy Now because heaven forbid they represent a "lefty" point of view and continually lied to their audience calling the rest of the "mainstream" media, which we all know is actually the corporate media, "liberal" as well.
Given the fact that Fox did its best to ignore the protests completely along with most of the corporate media until they started growing to a point where they could no longer be ignored and Fox's continual mockery and dismissive attitude towards the movement and the protesters since then, segments like this are now the norm on that network. What I found surprising about this segment is the fact that they decided to acknowledge that Amy Goodman and her program Democracy Now even exist at all.
PEMMARAJU: Alright, amid the flurry of Occupy protests, a news program called Democracy Now is getting much more attention than usual. Fox News contributor Liz Trotta is joining us now to explain. Hi Liz.
TROTTA: Good morning, or good afternoon Uma. You know, Democracy Now, as this so-called independent grass roots network is called has been around for about fifteen years. And the star of the show is a rather sternly prim lefty by the name of Amy Goodman. And they deal with all manners of left wing... all manner of left wing causes and have been particularly under the microscope since these Occupy protests, which they've fallen in love with of course.
But you know they're... Amy Goodman and her compatriots are charging that the mainstream media, that means the liberal mainstream media, hasn't gotten their story right. So she gave... this was said in an interview she gave with Charlie Rose last week. Let's see... let's hear a little bit of it, of Amy Goodman from Democracy Now.
GOODMAN: I think the mainstream media has been revealed through all of this over these last five weeks as not being mainstream any more... because if you look at the polls now, most Americans actually support these Occupy Wall Street movements all over the country.
TROTTA: Well, we can't call her wrong on that. The polls have shown support for the Occupy movement. But what's really amazing is how she's giving a lash to the mainstream media, which of course if the liberal mainstream media and saying really that they're not liberal enough. And I guess when you look at it from Amy Goodman's point of view, it's absolutely true.
Now who are these people? They're on an hour every night in New York. Check your local guides for times and stations. They claim to be on nine hundred and fifty stations across the country, they don't carry ads and they said they don't have ratings. And they also say that they run... are run by contributions from individuals. One can just imagine what that lefty list looks like.
Their subjects are quite interesting but very predictable; the Oakland and New York protests, protesters of all kinds, activists from Egypt who even admit on the air that they're here to see if they can get a handout and even some old time Vietnam war veterans; even Iraq veterans against the war, you name it.
They're all there for an hour everyday. Look for this program if you really want to be entertained and they promise to be on a lot more to delve even deeper and support even more what we now know as the nationwide, Occupy protest movement.
PEMMARAJU: Well, there you go Liz. It will be interesting to see what this winter weather does to all those folks who are camping out and about.
TROTTA: Oh, good point. Good point. I got up this morning and looked out the window and thought hmmm... I wonder how many are left.
PEMMARAJU: Exactly Liz. We shall see.