Fox's Eric Bolling and the group Sarah Palin’s Iowa Earthquake, which has been running ads across the state, urging voters to caucus for Palin, apparently still haven't figured out yet that calls for her to get into the race this late in the game are pretty ridiculous.
Bolling, filling in for Neil Cavuto, also asked Palin what she thought about Donald Trump still pretending he might get in the race as a third party candidate which our friends over at News Hounds wrote about here -- Here We Go Again! Fox News Pimps Another Phony Presidential Run By Donald Trump.
Palin was supportive of Trump's phoney candidacy saying he had a right to run as an independent after a lot of the current crop of candidates "turned on him" by which I assume she meant not showing up for his joke of a debate. I guess those grifters have got to stick together.