Evan Bayh has decided to retire and another ConservaDem bites the dust. And the media blaming the dirty f#%king hippies for Bayh leaving will begin in 5, 4, 3, 2... Steve Benen has more on why he might be leaving and this lovely tidbit:
For what it's worth, a great deal of the early talk -- and by "early," I mean "the last hour" -- is about the DSCC recruiting Rep. Brad Ellsworth (D), a Blue Dog and former county police sheriff from Indiana's Southwest corner.
It appears that the signatures for a prospective candidate are due tomorrow, and it's extremely unlikely any Dem could pull this off in time. What's more likely, then, is that the Indiana Democratic Party will be responsible for selecting a candidate -- there would be no primary.
So Bayh made it next to impossible to have a strong candidate or anyone decent to replace him. Thanks Bayh. He's going to have a press conference a little later today.