Jebus... someone get me a barf bag. Looks like CNN is trying to keep up with the Joneses on Fox by hiring another flame thrower as part of their "Best Political Team on Television". Erickson was just terribly concerned that the President's speech was "at odds with the free market" and that the stimulus created all of these evil gubmit jobs and take overs of private industry.
Roland Martin hit back with how a lot of the jobs the President was touting were from private industry. Erickson lists off the jobs that were mentioned during the President's speech such as first responders, policeman, teachers and green ecomomy jobs and says they're a sector of the economy that wouldn't exist if it weren't for government intervention. Martin reminds him that most of the jobs on Wall Street wouldn't exist were it not for government intervention.
Of course the panel didn't get into this, but I'd like to know what type of society Erickson thinks we'd be living in without basic services like the police and fire departments functioning and if he thinks we should have no public education system in this country since the President touting those jobs was "at odds" with the "free market". I didn't realize Erickson was a Paulite who actually believes this bullshit.
I'd like to know how much Erickson thinks he should have to pay the fire department or the police to show up at his house if we privatize them? What about the people who can't afford to pay? I guess it's okay with him if their house just burns down or the police just go back to the station after a 911 call if they can't buck up to pay for the call when they show up.
What does Erickson think all of the kids should do that can't afford a private education if he thinks we shouldn't be making sure the public schools can afford to pay their teachers? Maybe the next time he's on CNN as part of their "Best Political Team on Television" someone can bother to ask him those questions and if that's what he really meant to say during his argument with Martin. I'm not holding my breath. Our media has turned into a wasteland and they just made it worse by hiring this Republican tool.
If CNN truly wanted to be fair and balanced, how about bringing Thom Hartmann, Sam Seder, our own John Amato or David Neiwert, Digby, or a long list of others I could think of to debate Erickson the next time they let him on the air to spew his nonsense? I know, hell will freeze over first.