July 25, 2010

Isn't this special? Apparently according to a poll cited on this edition Fox's of Bulls & Bears, three out of four young adults are not counting on Social Security being for them when they retire.

I wonder if that could have anything to do with the media constantly lying about whether the Social Security fund is solvent and what it would take to make sure is stays solvent for years to come, like not allowing those who have borrowed against it to not pay that money back, and maybe raising taxes on the rich to shore it up in the future instead of telling the people who have paid into the fund for their entire lives that they're shit out of luck and you're not getting your money back.

As Media Matters noted, Fox Business Network's Eric Bolling decided to take the disinformation to a whole new level and calls Social Security a "Ponzi scheme" during this segment.

Bolling: Well Brenda it's sad that young people like yourself are going to have to pay into this Ponzi scheme for a very, very long time."

I wonder if this is the next hackery that will be picked up by the rest of our "mainstream media"? If it is you can remember where you heard it first... ClusterFox... and the rest of the little corporate drummer boys are following suit.

These people should be ashamed of themselves but that would require having something called a conscience first. As Paul Krugman has pointed out the effort to privatize Social Security is nothing less than the conservatives' last wet dream of dismantling and destroying the New Deal.

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