Ed Schultz expresses his anger of the White House deciding to stick its finger in the eye of organized labor after Blanche Lincoln won her primary race for the Senate in Arkansas. I might have chalked this up to just Politico starting trouble had it not been for Robert Gibbs standing by the statement by an "unnamed senior White House official". I agree with Ed.
Schultz: The last thing the White House should be doing right now is picking a fight with working families across this country. And to come out and diss labor for spending millions of dollars to get rid of a corporate Democrat I think puts the White House on the wrong side of the fence.
If the White House doesn't like our democratic process and the right of the electorate to run primary challengers against these corrupt corporate Democrats who don't have the interest of the voters at heart, well that's too bad. And as Ed says, we'll see you at the next showdown. Why they think alienating organized labor publicly is some good political move beyond me as well. It sure as hell isn't going to help them win any elections in November.
Dave N.: Kinda makes you wonder if labor unions threw away all those millions in 2008 helping Obama win the White House, doesn't it?
Meanwhile, what Digby says.