Ed Schultz talks to Rep. Peter DeFazio and The Nation's John Nichols about whether the Democrats are blowing it on the health care debate and with demonstrating some leadership. I think Nichols has it right:
Nichols: The Democrats have as one of their best members of Congress Pete DeFazio said, made a hash of this thing. The truth of the matter is the American people don't care what a filibuster is. They don't care what cloture is. There's a new Pew Center poll that says they don't even know what those things are. What they care about is whether their kids, whether their parents, whether they have health care.
And if the Democrats don't get this, and I'd start with Barack Obama, nobody gets off the hook here, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the whole Democratic Party, if they don't get that the issue is health care, not Senate rules, they are going to be beaten awfully badly this fall. They may not lose all their majorities, but they will lose their ability to function, and in so doing they will have sacrificed the ability to set this country right.
That isn't just bad politics. That's bad morality.