Ed Schultz spoke to historian and Professor Doug Brinkley about the heated exchange he had this week at a House Natural Resources Committee hearing where Brinkley got into it with "Corrupt Bastards Club" member, Alaska Rep. Don Young after Young insulted him after coming back into the hearing room near the end of Brinkley's testimony. I say good for Brinkley for standing up to him.
Here's more from Yahoo News (h/t Gene214) -- C-SPAN battle: Historian shouts down congressman at hearing:
Televised congressional hearings often serve as a platform for members of Congress to berate, bloviate and showboat for the cameras, but at a House Natural Resources Committee hearing Tuesday, historian Douglas Brinkley wouldn't stand for it.
The topic at hand was drilling in the the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The trouble began when Alaska Republican Rep. Don Young misstated Brinkley's name after referring to the hearing as "an exercise in futility." In a certain breach of protocol, Brinkley cut him off.
Young didn't like that one bit.
"You just be quiet," Young demanded.
"You don't own me," Brinkley shot back. "I pay your salary!"
Washington Republican Rep. Doc Hastings, the chairman of the committee, tried to break it up, but then Brinkley interrupted him.
"I work for the private sector," Brinkley said.
When the chairman returned the floor to Young, the rumble began anew.
"We're the ones who ask the questions, and you're the one who answers the questions," Young said. "Boy I'm really pissed right now."
And TPM caught this additional bit as well -- Watch A Historian Mock GOP Rep. Don Young For Going To Community College:
Historian and Professor Doug Brinkley made Alaska Rep. Don Young (R) really really mad during a heated exchange at a House hearing, when Brinkley mocked Young for going to community college. [...]
Things went south when Young called Brinkley “Mr. Rice” and said his testimony is “garbage.” Brinkley then goes on the attack: “It’s Dr. Brinkley. Rice is a university. I know you went to Yuba College and couldn’t graduate.”
I don't agree with the mockery depiction of Brinkley. If anyone was making a mockery of the hearing, it was Young. You can read more on Don Young's "Corrupt Bastards Club" here -- PBS NOW: Alaskan Oil, Politics & the Corrupt Bastards Club and here -- Alaska's Corrupt Bastards Club.