Fox's Sean Hannity has been running a series all week, where along with the Breitbart stooges, he claims that he's going to “vet the President” and we got treated to another example this Monday with one of Hannity's favorite guests, pervert and resident liar extraordinaire, Dick Morris. After running Rick Santorum's recent apocalyptic ad, “Obamaville,” Morris decided to pile on with more fear-mongering.
Morris warned that if reelected, Obama's going to eliminate private insurance and give us single payer (the horror!). He's going to eliminate opening up more oil drilling in the United States. He's going to give the G20 and the IMF sovereignty over our economy. He's going to make us get approval from Russia and China before going to war. He's going to take away your guns. Be afraid ... be very afraid!
After showing another ad from Karl Rove's PAC, American Crossroads, with Obama supposedly debating himself, Morris wrapped up the segment with this:
HANNITY: You've got to love those ads too with him ... Obama debating Obama. What did you think of that ad?
MORRIS: Well, I think that that's where he's going to go. I think he always moves to the left after the election. But the most important thing, I didn't get to. He's going to transform America into two countries; a small number of people that pay taxes and a large number of people who don't work and are dependent upon the government, to create a permanent, leftist, Socialist base in the United States.
These two have lost any and all ability to even attempt to be subtle anymore. This is the kind of segment that has rightfully earned Sean Hannity mockery from Jon Stewart, where he compared watching his show to this:
h/t Media Matters