While discussing whether gay marriage is a big issue or not and if there has been an appropriate amount of media coverage given to the subject, Dennis Prager ends the segment with this whopper:
Prager: I think we are more likely to survive economically than we are the redefinition of marriage.
Yeah that's it Dennis. Gay marriage is going to end life as we know it but a depression....meh. Or maybe he just meant we have a better chance of coming out of this bad economy than we do not seeing gay marriage become legal?? Maybe someone can explain it to me. Who knows but Dennis, when you use the word "survive" it sounds like you're trying to equate gay marriage with something that's going to kill us.
John Aravosis rightfully has a good chuckle at Prager's expense after he made the statement. These conservatives are getting more ridiculous by the day with their rhetoric. Of course Prager also doesn't understand why this is a civil rights issue and why he and his ilk are looked at as bigots for their stance.
I've got a question that either John or Howard should have asked Dennis. What do you think is a bigger threat to marriage? Gays being allowed to marry or someone like yourself being allowed to get divorced twice and married three times? Come on Dennis! If you can do it three times can't the gay people be allowed to get married even once? Conservative...hypocrisy is thy name.