Democracy Now's Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales had a really terrific interview today with Eliot Spitzer on why Bernie Sanders is right and Ben Bernanke should not be confirmed for another term as Federal Reserve Chairman and that Tim Geithner should be replaced as Treasury Secretary. One question Amy Goodman asked I found particularly interesting was this one along with Spitzer's answer:
AMY GOODMAN: Do you think you were partly taken down by the very entities you were going after?
ELIOT SPITZER: I have been very careful in saying that I resigned because of what I did. And I have no doubt that there were many people whom I had—was on the—were opposed to me, very powerful forces, who were happy to see me go. Whether they participated, I’ll let others figure that out. I resigned because of what I did. And whatever they’re involved in doesn’t excuse what I did.
I'm sure a lot of others like myself were left wondering after the prostitution scandal broke if Spitzer was set up. He didn't say no.
Full transcript available here.
The interview is way too long to put on our servers, but way too good not to share all of it, so I'm using their embed player.