Dan Senor appeared on The Dylan Ratigan Show to discuss the "controversial" Kingdom Foundation owner and Newscorp investor Al-Waleed bin Talal and I'm not sure how anyone can sit through this much spin without their head hurting afterward. It's funny how the "controversy" wasn't quite so "complicated" when Senor was explaining it on Fox & Friends the other morning, or before Jon Stewart called him out for failing to note that Al-Waleed bin Talal also owns part of Newscorp.
And shame on Dylan Ratigan for sparing Senor any embarrassment and misleading the viewers with the very selective editing of that Daily Show clip. Anyone who didn't watch the entire segment would have no idea that Stewart called out Senor and showed him on Fox & Friends fear mongering over the Saudi prince's Kingdom Foundation and lying by omission about his stake in Fox. Looks like Ratigan didn't want to make Senor have to explain why he didn't want the viewers at Fox to know the Saudi prince they were fear mongering about owns part of the network they were watching.